Katherine Johnson, Manager of Services, and Sherman Brown

Katherine Johnson, Manager of Services, and Sherman Brown


TorchLight undertook to reinforce, enhance and enrich the scope of our delivery of service; to look at the complexity of needs of our callers and members (people who register to receive a daily call); to shape and implement excellence in our approach to supporting people, with respect and authenticity, in a non‐judgmental and safe environment. To this end, we communicated directly with selected members.


  • An offering
  • A lifeline
  • Lighting a path in the dark
  • Real conversation
  • Strategies for grounding and getting present in your life
  • A resource when you have nowhere else to go or when you can’t access other supports (friends/community workers)
  • A community unto itself


This year, we undertook to delve deep into the value and benefits of our services and to look toward a bright future for our agency and for the people we support!

At TorchLight, we recognized that our “Call‐Out” service had become a model for success that was being demonstrated by:

  • High levels of member achievement in personal goals
  • Strong volunteer participation
  • Strengthened prevention measures in members’ safety and wellbeing
  • Comparatively low operational costs
  • Potential to be equally successful if promoted and offered to other service providers.

We surveyed our members & stakeholders of the Call‐Out service and found that consistent themes emerged:Dedicated volunteers

  • The service provides genuine engagement and accessibility
  • The staff and volunteers are able to actively listen while naturally integrating a variety of tools to support the member in becoming grounded and focused on their next steps.
  • The presence of authentic conversation and genuine interest in the outcome transforms the call into a meaningful exchange that leaves members feeling supported, connected and present in their own lives.
  • The calls focus on exploring ‘resilience’, support ‘and self‐direction’.

We Believe in the Relationship between Self‐Direction and “RECOVERY”

  • At TorchLight ‘Self – direction’ and ‘Recovery’ are viewed as synonymous. Recovery involves someone identifying their goals and determining their unique path.
  • All TorchLight programs (call –in & call‐out) support the individual in determining their own choices, exploring their options and connecting with resources to support the process.
  • Just as Recovery incorporates all aspects of our life, mind, body and spirit – so must one give consideration to the impact of all those variables when striving toward wellness.
  • Volunteers support exploring family, community connections & supports, employment, creativity, recreation, housing and much more and by so doing can engage members in accessing meaningful supports which impact the ability to remain balanced and connected.

Our Message & Service is Far Reaching

We view our service as being far reaching with a message that creates a ‘ripple effect’ and encourages and demonstrates:

  • Emotional Well‐being
  • Respect
  • Dignity
  • You are not alone – we are here with you
  • A life well lived
  • You are heard – we are listening
  • We are mindful of your safety and security

We are proud of our continuing and expanding legacy of caring. It is the essence of our commitment to our members and callers.